Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2 years ago today

2 years ago, God connected us to our daughter. When we paperchased, I was looking forward to getting our referral like everyone else. Knowing it was coming and being prepared for the phone call. I know when we sent in our medical checklist, that wasn't going to happen. God was good. Our referral day was bigger than I could have ever imagined. Thanksgiving week had me looking at the CCAI website and I inquired about a few of the kids, the first time I had ever done that. I did not think anything of it. In fact, the next day I was told me families and already requested the files of those kids.

So 2 years ago, the Wed before Thanksgiving at 2:42 as I put my Christmas cards in the mailbox at the post office, my cell phone rang and it said 303. Since we were getting ready for review in China, I thought this was a bad call. But when I heard "Amy, are you still interested in the baby on the website"? I had to catch my breath and sit down as I was told she was emailing me the file. 2 hours later ( had to wait for Michael to come home), we saw the picture below along with a lot of other stuff. Her medical needs per the file was not what I expected but she quickly grabbed our hearts! I contacted my professional adoption friends and asked 2 friends to pray for a decision for us. 1 adoption friend told me she didnt think this child was ours because there were sooo many unknowns. another friend told me that I didnt have to go and take the first kids that was offered ( I know she didnt mean anything by it). I listen to my friends and quit frankly,I got disappointed. Man but I am thankful for those friends and their honesty because it just makes her story that much sweeter.

Wed night, my friends mom told me about a blog whose family was in China adopting a little boy with similar conditions. I quickly emailed her and she had no idea why she was up that night (but I do) and quickly gave me a lot of information. We emailed back and forth all night!!! Also anothe adoption friend who happened to be in Disney world, was such an encouragement. We facebooked quite a while an realized that she knew LynnMaries caregivers and had been donating there. She was 100% sure that if there were any unknowns, this lady would have shared them. Trying to make a long story short, Wed night God just showed up. He opened doors and windows right in the same room as me. It was the coolest experience as so much "proof" was shared with me. Now 24 hours later, a RN I work with send me a random email asking for prayers as she was born with some medical issues and in a lot of pain. In that email, she shared that she had arthogryposis (this was the term they used to describe LM). So, after hearing the diagnosis 24 hours ago, I got this email. None of this may make sense to you, but its hard to put into words that night.

The Sunday before we had to make our decision, I got an email from a friend that said God opened this door for you. Do not close it for Him. If this is not your child, then He will close it. Take a step of faith and go for it. Well thats what we did and look what God did!!!


La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life said...

Oh, I just love that sweet baby picture. What a sweet blessing she is!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Briana's Mom said...

She is pure joy! Love your story!

Jeff said...

God bless y'all, Amy, it's such a good story of your perseverance, dedication and God's work for you and Michael, and LynnMarie is precious beyond words!

Kelley said...

Oh I love your story!!! And what a sweetheart LM is!

JMCS said...

Happy 2 years Amy! LynnMarie is so beautiful. It has been so long since I have had a chance to come by but I had a little time tonight. Looks like you guys are doing wonderful and I hope you have a happy holiday!


Sally-Girl! said...

I am so glad that Bryson's blog was a part of your keeping the door open for God to do His work and Lynn Marie is with the family He intended!!!

Jen said...

I love hearing your story again. What a miracle you have experienced. I'm so glad you have your little one!