Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Red Thread

So I was at work today, doing some training of a new employee in my department when a customer came up simply wanting to check out. I noticed she was middle-aged and had a young girl, maybe 8 years old, of Asian background with her. I overheard her call the girl Mia. As my trainee was ringing up her order, I asked "Is Mia your daughter?" and she said, "yes." I followed with "Is she from China?" and again she said "yes."

I then told her my wife and I are in the process and our log-in date is April 23, 2007 and her face absolutely lit up. We talked for about 10 minutes and eventually realized that she recognized me from over three years ago when I managed a Christian bookstore about 12 miles form where we were today. She was very excited to hear how things have progressed and we discussed the current wait time. It was a neat experience, both from the aspect of having met someone else in the Red Thread Community and to see how authentically excited for me she was.



Angela and Jay said...

It's always neat to meet someone from the Chinese adoption community. It's like we're all related somehow...

OH MY #6 said...

It is amazing!


Donna said...

I too get excited to meet someone else in the adoption world!

redmaryjanes said...

I have had that same experience many times. People are so happy to meet other families who are adopting and they are so happy to share their experiences.

Cristy said...

Great red thread story! I enjoy hearing the stories of others and how small this family of adopters really is!

Shelly and Family said...

What a great meeting! You just never know who is going to be checking out while your at cool!

Anonymous said...

Sweet, encouraging and God moments...write it down so y'all keep track of all of this! :)

Baba said...

Good morning Michael, how cool is that?.. to meet this woman and her daughter.I can't wait for you and Amy to get your daughter in your arms.I have been in Atlanta for three weeks, helping take care of my new granddaughter and family.I was hoping to meet Amy and you while I was here.Amy can email me if she wants to meet up before I head back home on Friday.Have a good day. Baba