last night at trivia, she colored for the first time. She did try to eat the crayon but she also colored which is very cool. I have tried doing signs with her and will continue to try and will show her the videos, but I am being pretty unsuccessful with it. Bonding and attachment is going well. I never thought I would be happy when my baby cried when someone else held her but she is doing that. Once she gets to know you, it is smiles and giggles..
I am back at work and Daddy is doing very well in the set up nursery downstairs since he cant take her up stairs with the crutches.
She eats very well. Loves green beans and corn and almost anything else..Still a carb girl and loves her bread. She is also drinks water and juice..
Last night she started making the llllllllll sound and was having a copy cat game. we would repeat her sounds and if we got it wrong, she said uh uh. Such a funny, happy baby. She squeals when she sees a kitty and still loves the swing when we get the chance to go to the park. This Sunday she will go to the nursery and then mom and dad will join for nursery duty. We will eventually get a referral for a hand surgeon just to make sure her hands are okay, but so far everyone is happy with her progress...
Fabulous!!! Thanks for the photos- I'm so eager to see/hold her again.
Grandmom Linda
Too cute for words Amy!!!
She is adorable. Love all the great photos!
She is so precious! Don't you love how the ticker at the top of your page isn't counting DOWN to her arrival anymore??
Sweet as can be!!!!
She is so cute!
She is just too adorable!
YEAH for baby bows! Cute as ever :)
She is so cute, such fine features! So dainty!
Thanks for the updates!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for NINE Months!
I had not checked your blog for a while. I am so happy for you! I am still in the NSN line with an LID of 4/29/07. I also have a concurrent dossier in Nepal and am hopign to receive a referral by fall time.
I am contemplating the SN route for china and am glad it went so well for you.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
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