Adoption rocks! We do not even have LynnMarie home and this thing called adoption has drastically changed my life. I've witnessed God's love all around me for that I am thankful. This week, I pray that God continue to give all of us a sense of peace. We decided to adopt to start a family but man, I have gotten so much more than that. I do not mean to sound simple or a bit cheesy but most of the time its really hard to put into words how my heart feels. What are you praying about? I want to know. I want to pray for you. I am sooo enjoying this. I want my heart to be a praying heart. I want to go to God for you. 5 years ago, I would have found this quite difficult and now I find so much energy and peace but having some real intimate conversations with our Father..
I do not have a list this week. Let's just talk to Him!