Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Meditations

******* Hey guys, say a prayer for this little girl that I read about on another blog************

Today I am thankful for

1) Meron is with her mom and dad Tymm and Laura. Meron has the best "gotcha day" picture ever in the history of adoptions!

2) our MCC is with our agency

3) God is watching over LynnMarie until we get her home
and the people who are praying for her

4) the amazing people I have met through this adoption community and blogging

5) the family with Chinese girls I met this weekend at work. I learned, I laughed, I cried. Awesome

6) that we are peace about the MCC. Its really a cool thing!

7) 8 days for the CCAA

8) for all of my friends who are paperchasing

9) for those who continue to encourage me!
What are you thankful for today?-


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I am thankful for people like YOU,who are so caring and always thinking about others. :-)

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Thanks for the congrats on the pregnancy, it is pretty terrific!

I'm so happy that you have so much peace about what you are doing as far as the adoption process goes. You are both amazing on how you are trusting God for your LynnMarie!

Take care!

Tammy said...

H Amy,
Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Praying for you as you continue through this process.
My husband's brother and wife have had their little 3 yr old in their home for a year now and the final process is almost we've seen first hand what a blessing adoption can be! :)

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I am thankful that we are not alone during this wait!

It has been wonderful to connect with so many families that are waiting along with us....and to get advice from those who have already BTDT!


Elise said...

I am with Janet...I am thankful for bloggers like you too! You are always so encouraging to others:)