Sunday, December 31, 2006
Home Study done
This week, I was given another patient from CHina. He was not even 2 and had only been in the country 2 weeks..This lady had used CCAI, our agency and raved about them. That was awesome. She made us realize something. When he came to the floor, she realized that the crib looked a lot like the crib he had in the orphanage so we quickly moved him to a bed..It was a great learning experience!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Also, please pray for me. The Dr just called and said I had a high white blood count..Not too hight, just a little bit and she was going to send me to a hematologist to see what was going on. She said she really wasnt worried to much, just wanted to rule things out..PLease pray its nothing..The idea of going to another dr just freaks me out..
Thats all..Michael isnt feeling well either so keep him in your prayers as well..
You guys rock!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
I had my physical yesterday and my dr is going to work with me. Not sure how that works as I will be doing the work but whatever.
Thats it for now..Merry Christmas
Monday, December 18, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Will update later..
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Apologies to those I work with
So, I left work, ready to go to my 920 appt at the dr. I got there, they pulled me aside and said the dr called in sick and they forgot to call me. Excuse me??? I and the people I work with suffered for nothing?
The worst part she can fit me in until after Christmas and that means my home study will not be complete and i wanted to have all of that done before hand. So I am a bit down but I know things could be worse so I am ok..I have been having some good talks with God lately, which is awesome!
THanks for the awesome emails and comments peoples!
If you would like to be a part of the prayer email list, shoot me an email over at
Monday, December 11, 2006
Prayers needed
That being said, things in China are changing May 2007. I am only going to post what affects Michael and I so if you are thinking about adoption, please email me and I will send you to other sites.
1)China fees are actually increasing January 1, 2006. Not too much, but enough for Michael and I to look at the budget again
2)Weight is a big issue now. Michael does not have to worry. It all has to do with the BMI or body mass index. It has to be a certain number. In order for me to reach that number, I need to lose 50 pounds. I have done this before, its not impossible.
If we can get logged in by May 1st or have our dossier (the whole paperwork thing) in China by May 1st, we will be okay. After that, the above applies. I do have a doctors appt this Wednesday to go over this. Its a blessing that our Dr is also adopting, because she knows what its like.
This is a bit of a stress but its not impossible and we are in no way giving up. Either
A) we get our paperwork really going which means finding extra money sooner to get our stuff done or
B)prepare to love weight quickly and find lots of support.
The good news is I have needed to lose weight for a while and regardless of when our dossier gets to China, I will use this as an extra incentive to lose the weight.
So that's what's going on, plus the wait time is increasing. They cant say how long but the sooner we get our stuff into China, the better. The last piece of our home study will be the drs notes and me finding Michaels employment letters. Then we apply for finger printing and then we get the governments permission to adopt from China and that takes about 3 months so we have lots to do.
More to come after I have had more sleep. Thanks for checking in!
Friday, December 08, 2006
I have my drs appt on Wednesday and we will talk about weight stuff and immunizations for going overseas. Our biggest hurdle is money. Once we get what we need in, we can mail off for fingerprints and then our long wait form. The only thing the SW needs now is our medical forms and our financial statement. I will let you know when we hear what the actualy changes are. I hate to think we have spent this money to get started to have us turned away. We could use your prayers during this priocess.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
New Prayer Requests
2)That we will learn the heritage of our daughter during our waiting time
3)that all paperwork will be done in a timely manner by us and others
4)that all paperwork mailed will arrive at its destination and will not be lost
5)for our social worker and agency as they work on the paperwork
6)finances that we will have the money needed at the right times
7)the orphanages where the babies are-that they will be loved and cared for
8)China in general
Saturday, December 02, 2006
next step
Wow, at least things are coming together!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
and so it goes
We are looking forward to Friday. We will be going to a couples home to have fellowship with other families who are either back from China or in the same boat we are. We have not been since September but we are vey excited to go. We may even see the couple we met on the cruise who introduced us to all of this!!!!!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Our social worker recommended a lot of books for us to read and to my surprise, my MIchael has been ordering them from Amazon and they arrived this week. I am not sure how much we will be reading before Christmas, but we have a lot that we can do during our week.
God has been so good to us and has openend so many doors. I am meeting many families with Chinese children at work and I have loved learning about their experiences.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The actualy homestudy is done. Now we have to give our social worker papers for her to be able to complete it. That includes our police reports, license, birth certificate, and all kinds of stuff. Not too bad.
I hope all of you are well. Apparently there were no referrals in October but quite a bit in early November. Congrats to all of the new families. The holiday season is quickly approaching and I wonder how many more we will have before we go to China. I am hoping 2007 will be our last Christmas with just Michael, Lucy and I.
I am trying to find a person/site to help with this blog and make it a bit more creative. If you know of someone who does this and has had success, please let me know!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Last nights visit
I got home at 9am yesterday and then I slept until noon. I got up and was quite motivated. Michael had already done a lot of work, but I spent 5 hours scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning our room, Making sure the downstairs looked clean and homey. Is that a word? Also, I just found the Swiffer? MY goodness, my I express my gratitude to the inventor. Its awesome! Lucy was over at doggie day care so I had freedom to do the whole house.
6pm Mary Poppins arrives. That's not her name, I just prefer to call her that. We say hello and take a tour of the house..I offer her a Coke Zero and we learn she likes this..Yippee! She likes the backyard and even the big green wall. This is good. The garage had been improved and she changed our water heater in hopes to save us some money. We will see. Saw the white room, which will be the baby room. The only safety issue she pointed out were the corners of the fireplace on the bottom..She recommended that we just soften the corners but we have time to do that!
After the walk around, we did our interviews. We had typed up our autobiographies and she went through those. I was up first and I really enjoyed it. She had given us a sheet with potential issues and we had to choose some to talk about. Most of it was parenting and adoption issues and how the public and friends and family will react. I loved this. Then it was MIchaels turn and I headed upstairs. I have no idea what they talked about, but he passed.
We ended the evening by saying she doesn't think we need another visit but that was up to me. We are meeting with a marriage counselor to talk and make sure we are ready. I am looking forward to this. Please don't think we are having issues. We are trying to prevent any issues from coming up.
Thanks for all of your prayers. This paperchase is crazy but I am loving it and I am looking forward to the long wait.
Amy and Michael
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Awesome New Christmas CD with a powerful track at the end
Friday, November 10, 2006
Home Study/Paperchase
2.Our Home study that will include the walk around of the house is on Tuesday evening. Pray that we can get everything done..Thank God for doggy day care..I am serious..
Scroll down to vote!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Chinese Holidays
New Year's Day (January 1)
Not as much celebrated as it is in other parts of the world because it is overshadowed by the upcoming Chinese New Year somewhere a month away. However, employees will enjoy a paid day-off. And there will be parties everywhere, in parks, dancing halls and universities where students will leave for the winter vacation and won't be able to celebrete the Chinese New Year on campus.
International Women's Day (March 8)
Interestingly, women employees will get a whole or an half paid day-off on the day while the men are at the mercy of their employers.
Tree-Planting Day (Arbor Day) (April 1)
Highly promoted since the late 70's by the reformist government and yet to become established. It marks the begriming of a greening campaign all over the country during the month each year. There is no paid leave on this day.
International Labor Day (May 1)
No less celebrated than the New Year's Day. Prompted by economic development and commercialization, employees are granted five days paid leave so that they can tour the country and do their shopping. Parades and organized parties on this day have become history.
Youth Day (May 4)
A day in memory of the first mass student movement in 1919—a movement touched off by the then Chinese government that gave in to the Japanese government's attempt to colonize Shandong Province. It is also an anti-Confucius movement as well as one that promoted the western scientific and democratic ideas. Today, youth rallies are rare, but parties and picnic outings are gaining popularity.
Children's Day (June 1)
It is the most memorable day of Chinese children. Access to almost all entertainment and educational facilities such as cinemas, parks and children's museums is free to them. Elementary schools throw celebration parties while parents shower them with presents.
The CCP's Birthday (July 1)
It marked the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 in Shanghai. It is usually characterized by front page editorials from major government news pagers. Employees do not have a paid leave day.
Army's Day (August 1)
A communist-led nationalist army staged the first armed uprising in Chinese communist history against the Nationalists on August 1, 1927. It was regarded as the beginning of the Red Army (later the People's Liberation Army). Now the anniversary is often used to promote better relationships between the army and civilians, a tradition believed to have helped it beat the Nationalists during the civil war in 1949. It is not a paid-leave day.
Teacher's Day (September 1)
It was started in the early eighties as an effort to reverse the anti-intellectual sentiment nurtured by the "Cultural Revolution". It has become an established holiday. However, it is yet to become a paid-leave day for the teachers.
National Day (October 1)
It is the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 in the wake of routing the Nationalists who have since taken refuge in Taiwan. Celebrations of the day went through different phases in history. Before 1960s, there were regular parades during the day and firework shows during the night in major cities. Later, the celebration was reduced to mere organized parties in parks. Beginning from the 1980's two grand parade happened in Beijing, each in the Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin eras. Beginning from the late 1990s, Chinese employees have been given a week-long paid leave so that they can travel and spend to pump more money into the country's economic development. Both May 1 and October 1 weeks were called huangjinzhou, or "a week of gold." Fireworks and parties are integral part of the first day of the week of gold.
its Monday!
The good news is that there have been many referrals given to families this past week. How excited do you think they are? That means that many children from China have been matched with their forever families. The families received pictures and info about their little ones..I will try to link some websites when I can. I just want to make sure I am allowed to.
WE are finalizing another home visit with the Social worker. This will be the visit where we will be doing seperate interviews and she will be walking around the home and giving suggestions. I am pretty excited as this means we are working on completing a new step...Stay tuned for more information regarding China, which I will be posting later today!!!!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Last night
Yesterday, Michael and I got our police reports. Mine took 5 minutes to print out, Michaels almost 15. Not to worry, both of ours said NO RECORD FOUND.
Then we came home and worked on the white room which will be the baby's room. This room has been full of boxes the past 2 years. I would say we are almost halfway done..Yeah that Lucy went to doggy day care..That helped.
Then we traveled to Starbucks for our first visit with the social worker. I must admit, Starbucks is a nice place to sit and chat..I had a pumpkin spice latte and Michael had coffee. No details here, but we had a nice visit with the assigned social worked and got way more detailed than I expected. Michael loved this visit. It was healthy but it opened our eyes to a lot of things. She gave us suggestions on resources we can be reading while we wait, and suggestions on how to communicate better. I left stressed, but then again, personal issues stress me out..I feel much better today.
I have a nasty cold which is making me tired and yet I have so much that I want to do! Nothing to stressful, I just want to stay busy.
Lets see what is stressing me out?????
1.Organizing the house- I am aware it doesn't have to be perfect. The fact that we don't have children, is actually a plus here. We aren't required to have the safety things in place just yet..But this is the biggest one.
2. My work schedule and Michaels. I am worried about this because with me working night shift, we don't have the time to talk and go over things, like other couples. This has been on my mind for a while
3.paperwork. As careful as I may be, I am afraid I will send the wrong thing somewhere or forget to sign something
4.Not getting things done on time. I am extremely laid back, but when I want to focus on something, I want to focus.
Thats that..Nothing negative, just worries which are natural..
More updates coming. Check out the name votes..Its getting close...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
paperwork, paperwork
Michael and I went over a lot of paperwork. Our first social work visit in Thursday. We are meeting at a Starbucks just to talk. I am looking forward to it. This past week, we both got our employment verification letters and I will work on our adoption petition this week. We are also working on birth certificates and marriage licenses. The good thing about getting married in Florida is that is saves us a step. Yeah..We are still confused by a lot but taking it one step at a time.
We saw hubbys dad at lunch and we talked about names for a bit. MIchael and I have a long list and we are curious as to what people think of them. None of them are strange or anything, but we are curious. We may put a pole up of what girl names people like..
on that note, I am going to bed
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I appreciate all the emails and encouragment and love to hear from others who have gone this journey. If you know anyone, send them over..My email is
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
whats going on
Thanks for reading and praying..
Amy and Michael
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Prayer requests
1) that we stay motivated and organized I dont think the motivation will be a problem
2)that the paperwork from different will not be lost and will arrive in a timely manner
3) that the waiting time will not increase anymore. Its now around 14 months from the time China logs us in until we get a referral
4)Pray for peace for the areas around China
Yes, I'm involved
As it is, I just wanted to say hello and mention that I will have limited computer access over the next two weeks as I will be traveling for work. I am a manager for the best restuarant chain in the South, Chick-fil-a, and we have a new store opening on Thursday in Madison, GA. I am part of the GO (Grand Opening) Team, and will be there from tonight through Thursday of next week. On these trips I am there to represent and model the standards and help train the new staff as well as be a face for corporate in an area new to the brand.
Regarding the adoption journey, I wish to announce that I was productive today as I secured 5 copies (may be extra) of my employment verification, which I basically typed up myself and than had my boss sign for me. :)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
holy cow
It feels good to actually start this..I am more mentally there more than anything. I think that after we get back from the wedding at the end of October, things will be much more official.
I am also researching books and items for ourselves to read about adoption and more about the Chinese culture.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Adoption Orientation
Lets beging at the beginning. Today was the orientation for the beginning of our process. We have to put together what is called the dossier. This dossier is what goes to the China. Once we have that put together, we beging the wait and apparently it keeps getting longer. I am okay with this.
Orientation rocked..They were honest, funny and and optimistic. We met the director and other staff members. Last night our social worked called and I think we are going to set up a time On Nov 2 to begin our home study. We will meet with her at least 2 times and one of those times will be in our home. Yes, we will have it cleaned by now.
The last few days we had to get paperwork together for this meeting and make copies of it. Michael and I took Samson and Delilah (our cats) to the vet yesterday to get updated shots and check ups. They were not happy. Other paperwork was needed but that wasnt difficult.
We both learned a lot in this meeting and were able to meet a family who came from China earlier this year with their daughter Sabrina. We also saw baby Amelia. Sabrina was dressed in her China gear and was so pretty.
It was totallly a positive experience and I am excited to get started. Working nights can either help or hinder the process. We will see how this goes.
First we need to start getting copies of everything and get police records done..
Pray I stay motivated for all of this.
I am sure I will post later now that we have officially started..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
the process continues
By Sat morning, we must a lot of things together including
2 copies of everything
pet shot (rabies records)
our autobiographies (apparently a lot of paperwork which I think will be fun)
a map to our home
a floor plan
I am off Thursday and Friday so those days are full now..
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
another step
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Things are progressing
Hows that for good news?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Application sent
Monday, September 11, 2006
Updates or not
I wish I had more to tell you.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Thursday 13
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1….It will become so overwhelming we will quit! 2. Finances.That we wont have the money at the right time 3.Paperwork will not arrive in time 4.That the house will not be ready in time 5.Friends will not be accepting of this 6.That my passion will for this will decrease 7.That I will do what I want and not listen to God. This one scares me most of all 8.That we aren't ready 9. That I will not keep in contact with the families I have met 10.That the wait time for referrals will continue to increase I really cant come up with 13 this week. These are fears. I have given them to God, but they still stay with me..I know that it will work out according to His will. Thanks for the encouragment and prayers! Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Chinese adoption
I am going to post some info on words, symbols and traditions you may hear in the chinese adoption world. Its very exciting and I am so glad we have all of the support
New to Chinese Adoption?...The Answers To Your Questions:
These answers are based on my personal research and opinions...* Why does it take so long? The paperwork required by China is extensive and it takes a long time to prepare because they want to ensure that their children are being adopted into loving homes. After the paperwork is submitted to the Chinese government, it waits its turn to be thoroughly reviewed. They also have to confirm that the children being placed for adoption are truly orphans. * Why are all the orphans girls? Most of the orphans are girls because in the Chinese culture, boys support their parents in their old age as there is no social security. Girls support their husband's parents. With the one child per family law, most families choose for their one child to be a boy out of necessity.* How old will she be? It seems that the youngest age at the time of adoption is about 8 months. Most of the babies are between that and about 20 months old, with the majority being around 12-14 months when they first meet their forever family.
Important Jargon and Traditions Found In The Chinese Adoption Community:
The Red Thread - "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break." - An ancient Chinese belief
.Ladybugs - Believed to be good luck by most people, this is particularly true here. One spring while everyone waited for their referrals, there was a huge infiltration of ladybugs across the nation and immediately following these sightings a flood of referrals came. Or so the story goes.
100 Good Wishes Quilt - To welcome and celebrate a new life, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or "100 Good Wishes Quilt." It is a custom to invite 100 people to contribute a single square patch of cloth. The 100 patches are sewn together into a quilt that contains the luck, energy, and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed a piece of fabric. The quilt is then passed down from generation to generation. (Wording borrowed from Original Quilts owner.) Waiting families often collect the wishes along with a sample of each fabric square into a scrapbook for their new child.DTC - Dossier to China. This is the milestone day when the Chinese government logs in the receipt of a dossier to adopt a child. This represents the end of the "paperchase" for the adoptive parents, and the beginning of "the wait" for a referral of a child by the Chinese government. Sometimes also referred to as your LID, or Log In Date.
Questions I even bother???
Saturday, September 02, 2006
First Friday
Then the people started arriving. They said it was a small crowd, I'm guessing 50-60 people..I thought it was huge. Many people brought their adopted daughters..Yes, there were people all in the process. One family leaves Sept 12 for Makayla Grace. The entire group prayed over them before the night was through. The family showed pictures and was totally excited about the trip..It was contagious. We met several couples. One couple has offered to sit with us if we want to visit First Baptist Woodstock. They have been on mission trips to the Chinese orphanages and thats how they decided to adopt..Its the coolest thing! We met a couple who is waiting on a specific piece of paper and its been a long wait and they were frustrated.Very nice people and the husband gave me lots of information...
We were able to meet Mr Diets, he's the president of the Atlanta chapter of the group we will be using. All in all, it was an awesome experience..The agency we chose is being used by most of the people there and we have no doubts about them at all. We will probably go to our orientation October 14th if we can get our application this week.
We mingled, ate cookies and checked out family pics for about an hour until question and answer time..
We can not go back until November, but I hope to be there! It was far better than I ever expected.. We left so motivated to get this started. Im still fearful about the financial situation but God has laid this on our hearts for a long time and I know He will provide. We met so many people. I felt like we immediately joined a family or a club that was opened to everyone. I think all of the future moms had tears in their eyes at least once sometime last nignt.
Stay tuned to whats going on in our hearts!!!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
There really is a lot of things to do, but it will get done, I am sure..Its nice to have something to motivate me..
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday 13
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Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
First Thursday 13
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1…. We have been married almost 5 years 2.This is the first time I have done a Thursday thirteen but I think the idea is very cool 3.We have been thinking about adoption on and off for a few years. 4. We have lots to do to get our house ready for the home study 5. The whole idea scares the heck out of me but at the same time is exciting as anything 6.I can not wait to have a blog that says we are in China 7. When I am at work, I read peoples blogs and love to read stories of adoption 8.Although we have not talked about it, there are names I really like 9. I am scared half to death of the flight to China 10. I actually like to answer peoples questions regarding adoption, although I dont have all the answers 11. I think Michael will be rockin dad 12. I want to take my kids to Disney World for vacation 13. I cant wait to have the sound of children in my home |
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
First Friday
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Whats going on?
My coworkers love me. When they assigned patients Wednesday night,they gave me a lovely 17yo post op patient. The reason they gave me this patient was that his parents recently got back from China after adopting baby Gracie. How sweet was she! Unfortunately, by the time I got back from my meeting, the patient had fallen asleep and I was unable to talk with them. I was quite disapointed..I am sure another one of those moments will come again.
We are heading to Florida for a few days. We have started cleaning and organizing the house, a little bit. Michael finished painting the bathroom upstairs and it just needs some touch ups. Some friends have given me ideas to help with that, but it is a bit overwhelming. We have gotten a fire extinguisher. We should have one anyway, but we are sure the homestudy people will want to see it. Thats about it.
I have totally enjoyed answering questions..I told someone we were adopting from China and there answer was 'Is that legal'? That was kind of funny. I am sure we will have more questions like that but that was great. More details to come as we set our orientation date and wait to get approved.. Thanks for all the kind emails.
Amy and Michael
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
its a God thing
How cool is that?
Monday, July 31, 2006
As I have had time to explore and research blogs, websites and talking to people who have adopted something has occurred tot me..i mean really occurred to me what a life changing proceses adoption will be. Just the idea of adding a person to your family is simply HUGE!! Those of you who have adopted and those who have biological children can share with me.
I remember getting married almost 5 years ago. That was a HUGE change. You cant be selfish anymore..I had my ways of doing things as did Michael. We still have our own ways of doing things but you have to be able to adjust to your spouses ideas..that was hard..I think it was 6 months into the wonderful marriage that it hit me. It was hard but you know what? It was also fun. I loved learning new things about my husband and i still do.
I seriously think about the day we get our daughter from China, and how not only will our lives be forever changed, but also hers. i pray for a smooth adjustment as we take her from a place she has never left to a new and exciting life..
I am sentimental person, although most people wouldnt know that. I am also very excitable. I cant wait for the day that they place our daughter in our homes and we take her home with us..
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Apparently Michael met someone today who has used the agency we have chosen?
Someone asked me today "Why China, dont you like American kids"? Now, tell me, how in the heck is the proper response to that?
Ladybugs are cool!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Mind you, most of these people are just curious but it sometimes I think people are being ugly. I am not worried though.I do believe that our child will be loved and cherished by all of our family and friends..its actually exciting to think about it.
The formal application should be going out sometime next week and then we wait for the next step. We are working on getting the house ready for our homestudy, but with both of us working a lot of overtime, the process is slow. I can report the bookshelf is no longer in the kitchen which is pretty exciting.
No, we havent talked about names. i dont know why.Perhaps its the fact that we have a long wait ahead of us.
Michael has told me that Lucy will have to go to training school before we bring any child into the home. We got Lucy the bassett hound due to the laid back, lazy personalities they are know to have. Lucy seems to have a defect. Im just kidding. It is funny to watch her do laps in the back yard..
Until next time...
Friday, July 21, 2006
me and Michael
I am very excited about the whole process,but the difficulty of the process is starting to hit me. Perhaps Michael and I can over the adoption packet in the car or while on the trip. I hope so. There is so much to talk about..
I am not worried.
I know we can do it.
Its just how to start.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Its still July
I have spent hours reading posts from various yahoogroups on what we call "the paperchase". its actually a little intimidating with all the paperwork, where you have to get it signed, where you have to get it notarizedm should you mail it or drive it over? should you use a courier or use Fed Ex? How do you know when it gets there?
Once it gets there, how long until its approved and then the waiting..RIght now, its just over 12 months (thats 1 year folks) and then about 6 weeks before you fly to China. I need to get started but I also need 2 days off in a row. maybe on our trip this weekend, we can get the application mailed..That would be sooo cool..
Off to finish work for the night
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The application has arrived!
There have been some sweet blogs and websites about people and their journeys. I have enjoyed reading about them and starting to get a bit excited. I have also forwarded the email to Michael.
Oh yeah, the application came today and its pretty much filled out except for some of the financial things that Michael will fill in. They sent a short DVD (will watch with Lucy tomorrow) and a few other papers. Since I work with kids, there is an additional form that has to be sent it..All in all a good day but didnt get much done around the house.
There is a video I want to post on here, but I am going to have to have someone help me because I have no idea. You will guys will love it..
Have a great morning, afternoon, evening and night!
Monday, July 10, 2006
We've only just begun
1.I have learned that the ladybug is a symbol used in a lot of Chinese adoptions. I think that is pretty cute
2. I have learned I need to really clean and organize my house room by room..The downstairs wont be so bad, its really the upstairs, garage and attic that need work.
3. I learned that spaying the dog didnt calm her down. Oh wait, that has nothing to do with adoption. Sorry
4. I have learned we have a long process ahead.
5. I learned not all of the money is due up front.
6. I have learned that in the hotels we stay at, they provide a lot but the beds arent that soft.
7. I have learned the home study may not be as bad. We have to explain a lot, schooling, childcare, dog, stuff like that.
8.I learned I need more pictures of my Michael and I.
9. I have learned that 2000 pieces of paperwork go to China each month.
10. I have learned there are not guarantees
and I have learned that we have a number of people supporting us and praying for us.
Thank you all!
Friday, July 07, 2006
more details
They will probably ask for 8 pictures of us with other people. I guess its to make sure we are social. We may be calling on friends to get together just for pictures. They want us to have pictures of us with hobbies. This could be difficult but not impossible..I guess a cruise picture wont work even though I consider it an expensive hobby.
I am still getting emails from people who know people who have adopted from China and different agencies in stuff. I appreciate all of that, thank you.
Will let you know if the application comes in!
Amy and Michael
Monday, July 03, 2006
My mind has been uneasy and I wasn't sure why. Today I get a call from ana unknown number which I usually do not answer. I'm glad I did. Remember I told you guys about meeting a family on our Disney Cruise in May. That lady referred me to another lady (Mrs. chapman) who is experienced in international adoption, has used a few, and is incredible knowledgeable. She is the sweetest thing. she asked me if we wanted a Christian agency or not, which we did. Now, in the state of Ga, most international agencies call themselves "Christian" regardless if they are or not. She threw out a name of an agency that I had not heard of. She told me the administration were Christians but they did not use the name in the title because they didn't want to exclude anyone.
I checked out their website, and loved it. they are the cheapest of all, they seem to have the best communication system and at this moment, I fell totally at peace with them..
I think we are going to dinner..will post later
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Facts you may not have known
What are we looking for? Well, the price for all of them is about the same? we do look at the time frame. We look at the home study reports and how accurately those turn out. The agency we have chosen so far has the best score with home studies and such. We look at how much communication the agency has with the adoptive parent. What else is important? We want an agency that looks after you while you are in China, and the agency we have chosen so far doesnt let you out of your sight which is something that reassures me. travel arrangements, paperwork, timing also play a big part in the decision.
Michael was at work and met a couple of moms who had adopted from China so I am glad he was able to talk to them. Apparently a few of our pediatricians have also adopted from there so I am hoping to get some information regarding that.
Apparently there is word that Steven Curtis Chapman had returned to China to visit with his adopted girls and has been promoting it with his family. Almost everyone I tell about our plans knows someone who has adopted or is in the process of adopting.
God is good and I am sure I will either be at ease with our decision or decide to change agencies this week. After that, we have a lot of things to do like background checks and stuff like that but I will keep you posted..
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Not too bad..Im waiting back to see if I can use a few people as references, I have called the doctor for letters for the both of us and left a message for 2 people at the agency. We are working on a finding a Friday night to attend an informational meeting in Atlanta to ask questions about the process from families who have done this..Should be fun!!!!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Adoption talk
I keep hearing stories of people who have adopted internationally. if you have friends or stories who have gone through it, please let me know!
This week, we are going to try to get letters from our drs saying we are healthy to be parents, hopefully get some money from work to start the process and talk to people about being a reference for us. Be warned, you make get a phone call or email from us!
Thats it for today, the more I write the more I realize I have to do, especially to the house..Wwe have a lot of painting to do.....Wanna help? Just kidding.
Until the next update!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Hopefully I will get started on the application on Tuesday!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Saturday June 17th
I must tell you that more and more am I feeling at peace about this. I wondered for maybe one minute how our family and friends would react and if they would accept this new family member. I obviously got over that.My inlaws have been so supportive and its quite exciting that they live so close by..
We know we are looking at a 12-18 month wait and I am very okay with that. In 9-10 months, I will probably grow very impatient but thats okay. this morning as I was getting ready to leave work there was an adoption story on with a family adopting from India..It was truly sweet and wonderful and makes this journey more exciting!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Wait for appoval of preliminary application
Monday, June 12, 2006
Monday morning!
Have a great Monday
Friday, June 09, 2006
Adoption story/process
Most of you know that I have a favorite artist Steven Curtis Chapman who has adopted 3 little girls from China over the past 3 years. Michael and I have been to 2-3 concerts of his over the past 3 years and his story has always been told in his concert. He has created Shaohannas hope to share international adoption with people. This was just the beginning. The funny thing is that I have every one of his cd's. In college the only song I ever skipped was "When Love Takes You In" because it was for those adoption people and although that's a nice thing to do, it surely was not meant for me. Little did I know that those words would help my heart grow.
We have thought about it over the past couple of months and had done a bit of research before we went on the cruise. Mind you, I have been praying about this for a while now. On our Disney cruise we went on a swim with the stingrays tour and had a blast. We were in line to get on a boat and they asked for a family of 2 to join the almost full boat. We raised our hand and moved up to the front to get on the first boat. While we were there I say beside a lovely family who has a Chinese daughter with them, They were so friendly and told us they had not only adopted Marissa but also had another daughter from China ,Reece. I spent a while talking to Reece finding out she may be one of the most charming 6 year olds I had met (Kelly, Janie is only 5 so I am not forgetting about her). They were so encouraging and had a lot of information for us. Then we found out they were from Marietta Ga and probably live only 10-15 minutes away. How cool is that? We saw them a few times on the boat and presently are trying to hook up with them for dinner so that we can hear there story. Little did I know that this family was Rich and Denise Hall, whose story appears in the National Geographic film, Lost Girls of China. God put us on that boat and orchestrated every moment.
Denise put me in touch with Susan Chapman who has an adoption support group locally and we can meet new friends who are already a part of the process. Susan has called me and has invited us to North Metro Church. We look forward to learning more.
Since then things have gotten crazy but good. Using myspace, I gotten back in touch with friends from college. Through a friend, I learned my old college neighbor is in the process of adopting from China and has provided all kind of support. Friends are sending me links to other peoples links..its totally a God thing because my heart has gone 360 in the whole adoption idea!
Once we talk to Bethany, we will pay the fee and be assigned a Social Worker. We then will provide a lot of paperwork and begin the home study. Lots more paperwork will be done and more waiting until we are officially signed in with China. Eventually we will get a referral from China, meaning they will provide us with a picture and medical history of our potential daughter. Once we say okay to this, we wait a few more months and then we pack up and spend 12-14 days in China with others. They always travel with other Americans and we have a personal guide who never leaves us. We stay at a hotel called the Swan hotel for our stay in China while we do paperwork. Then we come home, do more paperwork and then it shall be done. It wont be done because we will have a permanent member of the Christopher family!
For now you can pray for us
1.emotional/mental health I am not worried about this but I hear at times this can be stressful and frustrating. What, its not all fun?
2. physical health Pray that by the time we leave for China, we will both be in good health
3.finances We feel like this is a step of faith and that God will provide. My job is going to help, but not only are we going to need to pay for the adoption (which includes the country fees and Bethany's fees) we will need to pay for the hotel, 3 plane tickets, visas and spending money
4.We can finally get the house together (lots of painting and organizing to be done
5. Our future child who hasn't been born yet!
Thanks already for all of your support
If you have any questions, post a comment or email me at
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
First Post
Stay tuned for updates. Don't forget to check our individual blogs at and
Thanks for all of the support! We are excited,scared, nervous and about 50 other emotions at this time!
Amy and Michael
Other Christopher Family links

China Travel Companions
Join us if you are in the Atlanta area!
CCAI April 2007 Yahoo Group
Blog Archive
- Home Study done
- Last night, Michael and I sat down to watch Nation...
- We are waiting for financial means before we send ...
- update
- I am so happy for the families who got their China...
- Snoozing
- Apologies to those I work with
- Prayers needed
- Ok, well our agency sent an emal regarding dossier...
- Our wonderful social worker just called to clarify...
- Steven Curtis Chapman-All I Really Want for Christ...
- New Prayer Requests
- next step
- Well, unfortunately our Friday gathering was cance...
- Cast your vote!!!!!!
- paperwork, paperwork
- Gotcha Day!Most of you have not seen a video like ...
- paperchase
- Mark Schultz -Another video about the beautiful gi...
- whats going on
- When Love Takes You In - Steven Curtis ChapmanI th...
- Today I mailed out my letter to get a letter of ve...
- Yeah, 2 out of 3 references have made it to our ag...
- Yes, I'm involved
- holy cow
- Adoption Orientation
- Apparently, the social worked we have been assigne...
- the process continues